InConcert Sierra presents “BBQ, Bingo, Bach & Blues” on July 20
THIS SUMMER, INCONCERT SIERRA presents BBQ, Bingo, Bach & Blues at Pilot Peak Winery in Penn Valley. The July 20 fundraiser includes a catered dinner of tri-tip and BBQ chicken, fresh salads, desserts and award-winning wines. Guests receive two bingo cards for play, and InConcert’s Artistic Director Ken Hardin performs.
OCT. 21 Anne-Marie McDermott, Piano
American pianist Anne-Marie McDermott is a top-flight virtuoso performing with a superior interpretive sense, technical brilliance, and evident joy.
NOV. 18 Philadelphia Brass
From the stage of the Royal Albert Hall to the heights of the Bolivian Andes, Philadelphia Brass has delighted audiences with virtuosity, artistry, and cohesiveness.
DEC. 15-16 Sierra Master Chorale & Orchestra Holiday Concerts
Joyous voices will deliver holiday cheer. This will be the final holiday concert led by music director Ken Hardin. Join InConcert Sierra in celebrating the season.
JAN. 20 Marc-André Hamelin, Piano
Hamelin is ranked among the elite of world pianists for his musicianship and virtuosity.
FEB. 17 Ensemble Schumann: Oboe, Viola, Piano
This award-winning combination of instruments brings together three outstanding artists: Tom Gallant, oboe; Steve Larson, viola; and Sally Pinkas, piano.
MAR. 17 St. Lawrence String Quartet
Champions of new works by great living composers, as well as masterworks from the classical canon, the Quartet brings informed perspectives to its imaginative music-making.
APRIL 28 Paul Jacobs, organ
The only organist ever to have won a Grammy Award, Jacobs transfixes audiences with imaginative interpretations and charismatic stage presence.
MAY 19, 21 Sierra Master Chorale & Orchestra
The Sierra Master Chorale & Orchestra is hoping to introduce a new musical director.
(Photo: Marco Borggreve)