Going Gluten Free
MORE AMERICANS ARE eating gluten-free foods. Studies show that gluten-free diets can promote weight loss, increase energy levels and reduce heart disease. For 18 million people, gluten-free food is a necessity because of gluten intolerance or celiac disease.
Gluten-free foods are on the rise, ranging from pizza, pasta and cookies to bread, cereals and rice—even beer and ice cream cones. You can dine gluten-free at legen- dary restaurants, such as Thomas Keller’s French Laundry in Yountville (there’s gluten-free English Pea Agnolotti).
“Watching the wave of gluten-sensitivity awareness rise over the years has been fun,” says Kelly Courson, author of Celiac Chicks, the guide to a hip and healthy gluten-free lifestyle (CeliacChicks.com).
Gluten-free chocolate scones, grain-free tabouli and pumpkin pie are among her recipes. Restaurants in our region that specialize in or offer gluten-free foods include:
7 Sisters Italiano Gluten-free Italian cuisine, including eggplant rollatini, mozzarella roll and pizza. An online store offers gluten-free pizza crust, breads and thin-mint cookies. There’s also a “YouTube” cooking series, with recipes such as gluten-free chicken fingers. Citrus Heights
BriarPatch Co-op Carrying 200 gluten-free and wheat- free foods: beer, cereals, snacks, pastas, ready meals, soups, crackers, cookies, baking mixes, tortillas, noodles, breads, desserts, frozen entrees, frozen pizza and waffles. Deli items include quinoa cranberry salad. Find a full list: BriarPatch.coop/shop/special-diets/#wheat, Grass Valley
Matteo’s Public The beer and wine pub offers a popular gluten-free beer called Off Grid Pale Ale from New Planet. The barley-less brews are safe for wheat-intolerant diets. Also gluten-free bread. MatteosPublic.com, Nevada City
Ike’s Quarter Cafe Gluten-free french toast, waffles, buckwheat bread, buns and “gasserhousers” (bread with eggs nestled inside two holes, topped with peppers, onions and veggie sausage). IkesQuarterCafe.com, Nevada City
Kane’s Family Restaurant The open air kitchen at Kane’s serves up gluten-free pizzas, pastas and breads. KanesRestaurant.net, Grass Valley
Summer Thymes Bakery & Deli specializes in a wide range of gluten-free items, including breads, muffins, cookies, sandwiches and enchiladas. A gluten-free stuffing is offered during the holidays. SummerThymes.com, Grass Valley
Treats Gluten-free ice cream cones and baked goods. TreatsNevadaCity.com, Nevada City
Zano’s Family Italian & Pizzeria There’s gluten-free pizza and beer—this one is Redbridge sorghum beer. Zanos.net, Truckee
(photo credit: Kelly Courson)