Chinese travel industry tour group to visit Nevada City
We are pleased to announce the arrival of a major travel industry tour group from China, who will be visiting Nevada City in late November in an effort to interest Chinese visitors in California, and Gold Country in particular.
This is, literally, a historic first for Nevada City to be included as a feature destination, along with Yosemite, for the largest and fastest-growing segment of overseas visitors to California. In 2015, more visitors came to California from China than from Australia, Japan, or any European country. In addition to generating publicity in China, this visit will generate attention in regional news, travel, and ethnic cultural media, with a local PR and social media effort by the Nevada City Chamber of Commerce in October-November.
Travel from China to California is an exciting and vibrant new trend, boosted by Executive Order #13597. This Order was enacted by President Obama in 2012 to increase the processing capacity of Chinese leisure travel visas to the U.S. by 40%, and to extend such visas for a period of 10 years.
The state travel bureau, Visit California, recently opened offices in Chengdu and Guangzhou to increase its presence in China, and the effectiveness of California’s marketing efforts there. Chinese visitors to California are projected to reach 1.8 million in 2018, an increase of +78% from 2014.
The visitors to Nevada City from China will include Mr. Jason Lu, Director of China Visit Tour USA Inc. (inbound tour operator); Ms. Cindy Hu, Inbound Manager of China Visit Tour and President of Beijing WoRenXing Business Co.; Ms. Wenmin Jian, Deputy General Editor of Sichuan News Web Group; and photographer Mr. Mr. Jinzhong Dong.
Working with Jeannie Wood and others, the Nevada City Chamber of Commerce will be conducting a day-long familiarization tour of Nevada City on November 22nd, focusing on local Chinese history during the Gold Rush.
Please help Nevada City make the most of this unique opportunity to present Nevada City to a nation of 1.3 billion people, and a culture to whom Gold Country owes a tremendous debt of gratitude.