Joe Arpaio brags about serving inmates a 56 cent Thanksgiving dinner

“Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio took to Twitter on Wednesday to show off the “special” Thanksgiving meal his office served to inmates on Thursday. What made the meal special? The 56 cent cost per inmate,” is reporting.

“‘Thanksgiving menu is all set!,’ Arpaio wrote on Twitter. ‘Hope the inmates give thanks for this special meal being served in the jails tomorrow.

“According to a menu Arpaio posted, Maricopa County, Ariz. inmates received the following on Thursday: 5 oz. of turkey soy casserole (24 cents), 1 cup of mashed potatoes (12 cents), 1 cup of glazed carrots (7 cents), half a cup of fresh fruit (8 cents), 1 cup of brownies (which were donated), a dinner roll (4 cents), and margarine (1 cent).”

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