Video: BriarPatch to show “Food for Change” at The Center on February 20
“Food for Change,” a new documentary film about the history of the food co-op movement in the U.S., will be screened on Thursday, February 20, at The Center for the Arts.
Food for Change goes back to the Great Depression, through the idealistic 1970s, to the current resurgence of food co-operatives in America, tracing their unique historic place in the country’s economic and political landscape.
The film examines the key role played by consumer-led food co-ops during the decades-long debate over profit-driven capitalism vs. locally-controlled economic enterprises. The co-op movement’s quest for whole and organic foods, and the dream of sustainable food systems are traced, along with profiles of several current food co-ops that have revived neighborhoods and entire communities — right in the shadow of corporate agribusiness and national supermarket chain stores.
True to the spirit of cooperation, the screening will be a fundraiser for the Banner Grange, another grassroots organization with deep American roots. As are all the Granges, the Banner Grange hall, located on McCourtney Road, is owned by Grange members and operated on democratic principles — as are co-ops.
Doors will open at 6 p.m. for an opening presentation by the Banner Grange, after which the 84-minute film will screen at 7 p.m. A donation of $5 for the Banner Grange is suggested for admission. For more information, contact BriarPatch at (530) 272-5333 ext. 127.