Shop at Briarpatch for barbecues and picnics

AH, SUMMERTIME! LONG, WARM DAYS, camping trips, lakeside picnics and backyard dinner parties. In growing numbers, people are turning to BriarPatch Food Co-op for whatever they need for their summer adventures. BriarPatch’s food is nutritious, organically grown and free of artificial additives — good for our health but also the environment. Shopping at “The Patch” […]

A visit to the English Market in Cork

When we were growing up, we enjoyed visiting the Grand Central Market and Farmers Market in Los Angeles. It was a bustling scene, with food vendors, produce markets, florists and sit-down restaurants. Later, we enjoyed visits to Harrod’s Food Hall in London, the Bon Marche in Paris and the Tsukiji Market in Tokyo. This week […]

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