A musical tribute to fathers who lose their sons
I miss my father on Father’s Day. He was my “pal forever,” and his wisdom has helped guide me in being a father. It’s hard to imagine being a father and missing your son on Father’s Day, because he preceded you in death. But it happens. And there are tributes just the same. Here’s one: […]
In-Concert Sierra presents Pianist Joel Fan on June 19
What: InConcert Sierra presents Joel Fan, piano When: Sunday, June 19, 2011 2:00pm concert 1:15 pre-concert forum Where: Seventh-day Adventist Church 12889 Osborne Hill Road (off hwy 174) Grass Valley, CA 95945 Cost: $21 general admission; youth ages under 17 free with adult Tickets available: Online www.inconcertsierra.org Or at the door on the day of […]
In-Concert Sierra an icon for Foothills classical music
BACK IN 1946, A GROUP OF AFFLUENT residents in Grass Valley joined together to form a group to bring musical talent to the foothills from San Francisco. After meetings at the his-toric Bret Harte Hotel, the Twin Cities Concert Association (TCCA) was born. A campaign netted 1,000 members, and the first act was an opera […]