In-Concert Sierra presents Pianist Joel Fan on June 19
What: InConcert Sierra presents Joel Fan, piano When: Sunday, June 19, 2011 2:00pm concert 1:15 pre-concert forum Where: Seventh-day Adventist Church 12889 Osborne Hill Road (off hwy 174) Grass Valley, CA 95945 Cost: $21 general admission; youth ages under 17 free with adult Tickets available: Online Or at the door on the day of […]
Arts with Altitude: Music, festivals and theater in Nevada County
DURING THE GREAT DEPRESSION, movie watching boomed as people craved escapism. In the recent recession, film, theater and festivals also are flourishing in many cities, with robust ticket sales. MUSIC Foothills’ performing arts groups also report an uptick in business. “We’re ahead of budget,” says Julie Hardin, executive director of InConcert Sierra in Grass Valley. […]