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Home / Archives for restaurant forager
Posted by jeffpelline on July 23, 2019 · Leave a Comment
LOCAL FARMERS ARE PLANTING their summer crops and starting to harvest spring’s bounty. Lettuces, asparagus and artichokes are headed for the markets. Fresh local onions, squash, peppers and eggplant are expected in May and June. Spring cooking classes in our region often feature this year’s first harvest. BRIARPATCH CO-OP COOKING SCHOOL 648 Zion St., Nevada […]
Filed under Food · Tagged with Alan Tangren, BriarPatch Co-op cooking school, CATS cooking classes, cheesemaking classes, cheesemaking classes nevada county, Chef's Table, Chez Panisse, Community Asian Theatre of the Sierra, cooking classes, farmers Market, fresh produce, Grass Valley, Jeff Pelline, Nevada City, restaurant forager, sierra foothills cooking classes, Tess Kitchen Store, Wheyward Girl Creamery