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Home / Archives for sierra master chorale and orchestra holiday concerts
Posted by jeffpelline on July 12, 2018 · Leave a Comment
THIS SUMMER, INCONCERT SIERRA presents BBQ, Bingo, Bach & Blues at Pilot Peak Winery in Penn Valley. The July 20 fundraiser includes a catered dinner of tri-tip and BBQ chicken, fresh salads, desserts and award-winning wines. Guests receive two bingo cards for play, and InConcert’s Artistic Director Ken Hardin performs. OCT. 21 Anne-Marie McDermott, Piano […]
Filed under Art · Tagged with anne-marie mcdermott, bbq bingo bach and blues, classical music, ensemble schumann oboe viola, InConcert Sierra, Jeff Pelline, Ken Hardin, mac-andre hamelin, paul jacobs organ, Penn Valley, philadelphia brass, pianist, Pilot Peak Winery, sally pinkas, sierra master chorale and orchestra holiday concerts, steve larson, tom gallant