SYRCL’s “Yuba Salmon Now” campaign
SINCE IT BEGAN 32 YEARS AGO, THE SOUTH YUBA RIVER Citizens League has become the nation’s largest single-river grassroots watershed organization with 3,500 members and 1,000 active volunteers. The long-term focus of SYRCL’s advocacy work has to do with restoring wild salmon, now in jeopardy of extinction, to the upper Yuba. “We recognize that salmon […]
Three Forks releases “Endangered Ale” to support SYRCL’s efforts to restore wild salmon
Did you ever think that drinking beer could help save an endangered species? Well, now it can! Three Forks Bakery & Brewing Co, in downtown Nevada City, has just released Endangered Ale, a limited edition red ale. A portion of the proceeds from the sale of the beer will benefit the South Yuba River Citizen […]