Artist Profile: David Wong; an Art Works Gallery artist
I’VE BEEN A PHOTOGRAPHER since I was 15 years old. But I was only engaged in the periphery while I worked in jobs such as video production, filming Intel Corp.’s founders and Vice President Joe Biden, among others.
A few years ago, I came full circle and sold my first fine-art photograph ever. I have been developing as a photographer and artist since, capturing the light, composition and form necessary that hopefully have “soul.”
Whether I am doing professional sports photography or art print work, I try to capture that “soul” in all my work. I have been fortunate to have teachers such as: Charles Cramer, Ted Orland, Al Weber, Michael Frye, Stephen Johnson, Jim Beckett and many others.
Orland was one of Ansel Adams’ assistants. In his class I produced “Night Sentinel,” an iconic lighthouse photograph that he shared with other classes.
One of the highest compliments anyone could pay me about my photographs is to ask if it is a painting or a photograph. I photograph to capture that elusive light the masters of the brush are able to bring to their canvas. When I bring life to my photographs, I know I’ve succeeded in making a worthy piece of art.
David Wong Photography
Visit Art Works Gallery
About 37 juried visual artists, including David Wong, cooperate in presenting their work at the Art Works Gallery, 113 Mill St., in downtown Grass Valley.
Others include Eileen Blodgett, Linda Roemisch, Jerianne Van Dijk, Katie Wolff and Kathryn Wronski—all featured in our magazine.
Coming Gallery Events
Neighborhood Center of the Arts Show
Nov. 13-26; reception Friday, Nov. 16, 5-8 p.m.
Holiday Open House Art Works, Sat., Dec. 1, 5-8 p.m.
Second Saturdays Art & Wine Walk