Father’s Day: bike races, barbecues and Bluegrass
FATHER’S DAY BEGAN IN 1909 IN SPOKANE, WA, when a daughter requested a special day to honor her father, a Civil War veteran who raised his six children after his wife died. Today Father’s Day is celebrated in 50 countries, from Antigua to Zimbabwe.
Far removed from video games, smartphones and other modern-day activities, our region offers some memorable Father’s Day experiences: fishing, bike riding, festivals, picnicking and more. Here are some examples:
The Nevada City Bicycle Classic, on Sunday, June 15, is one of the premiere sporting events in the foothills, the largest and oldest bike race on the West Coast and the second-oldest race in the nation.
The event celebrates its 54th anniversary this year and many of the nation’s top cyclists are expected to be on hand. Action begins at 1 p.m. and is usually complete by about 6:30 p.m.
Several thousand spectators attend the tradi- tional Father’s Day event.
For more information, visit NevadaCityChamber.com.
The Truckee Father’s Day Ribfest & BBQ is on June 15 at the Tri Counties Bank Plaza (12047 Donner Pass Road) from noon-4 p.m.
Ribs, Rods & Rock-n-Roll is this year’s theme. The event includes classic cars, local rock’n’roll bands for singing and dancing, a beer garden, children’s activities and arts and crafts.
Festival-goers can enjoy delicious ribs and food from local restaurants, including Auburn Barbeque Company, Taco Station and the Resort at Squaw Creek Six Peaks Grille.
For more information, visit TruckeeRibFest.com.
The California Bluegrass Association’s Father’s Day Bluegrass Festival is held at the Nevada County Fairgrounds. The four-day festival begins Thursday, June 12 and runs through Sunday (Father’s Day).
For more information, visit FathersDayFestival.org
(Photos: Darrell Robinson, TownMountain.net)