Valhalla offers family friendly performances on August 17-18
Make plans to head to the beautiful and historic Tallac site grounds at Lake Tahoe to enjoy two free musical performances that cap the end of the Valhalla festival season on August 17 and 18.
On Sunday, Aug. 17 Valhalla presents the final in the free Concert on the Lawn series with a special free kids concert featuring the acclaimed children’s act the Banana Slug String Band. The music is original and full of inspiring positive messages about taking care of each other and the environment. Everyone, especially families, are invited to bring a picnic to the Grand Lawn at Valhalla from noon to 2 p.m.
To close the 2014 season, Valhalla offers a free concert featuring the United States Air Force woodwinds band, the Golden West Winds from Travis Air Force Base on Monday, Aug. 18 at 7:30 p.m. in the Boathouse Theatre. The versatile Golden West Winds will perform an assortment of chamber music ranging from the works of baroque masters to the ragtime of Scott Joplin — music that will appeal to all ages.
Visit the Valhalla Art, Music and Theatre Festival website for more information or to purchase tickets at or call 530-541-4975 (Monday through Friday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.).