Christmas tree permits go on sale in Lake Tahoe Basin
The U.S. Forest Service Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit will begin the sale of Christmas tree permits on Monday, November 24, 2014. Permits cost $10 each (cash or check only, no credit cards), with a limit of two permits per family. Permits must be purchased in person, are not transferable and are sold on a first-come, […]
Christmas trees in Auburn, Nevada City, Truckee and Yosemite
We collected photos of Christmas trees from throughout the region for you to see. They are all beautiful, in wonderful and historic settings. •Downtown Auburn’s Central Square (from Mary West on Facebook): •Robinson Plaza in historic downtown Nevada City, with lit-up Pelton Wheel: BELOW •Blanketed in snow in historic Truckee: •Yosemite National Park Visitor’s Center: […]