Sierra Master Chorale’s new maestro: A sign of the foothills’ growing arts & culture scene
Posted by jeffpelline on May 19, 2019 · Leave a Comment
“There’s a new Who in Whoville”! I joked to my wife Shannon at the end of Sierra Master Chorale’s engaging Spring concert in Grass Valley this afternoon. Her name is Alison Skinner, and we were we delighted to hear Alison conduct the Chorale and its Orchestra for the first time this afternoon. We have been […]
Filed under Art, FWA blog · Tagged with aaron copland, Alan harler, Alison Skinner, analiese lumbard, bren altenbach, capital public radio, christine newman, coplan, davis chorale, fanfare for the common mane, Gabriel Faure Requiem, InConcert Sierra, inconcert sierra master chorale, Inconcert sierra master chorale and orchestra conductor alison skinner, Jeff Pelline, Joanna Newsom, Julie Hardin, kathy chastain, Ken Getz, Ken Hardin, kevin doherty, leonard bernstein chichester paslms, let everything that hath breath, Mondavi Center, Pete Nowlen, Peter Mason, Richard Altenbach, seven scottish airs, Sierra FoodWineArt, Sierra Master Chorale, Sierra Stages, steve nocholson, temple university, Terry Brown, the promise of living, uCSanta Cruz, whoville