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Posted by jeffpelline on May 25, 2019 · Leave a Comment
THE STRAWBERRY MUSIC FESTISVAL, one of the region’s premier music festivals, returns to the Nevada County Fairgrounds in Grass Valley May 23-26, 2019. Since 1982, the iconic festival has drawn musicians and festival-goers from all over the country. The four-day festival features a wide range of musical acts, children’s programming, workshops, and Strawberry’s legendary camp […]
Filed under Art · Tagged with 2019 strawberry music festival, California's most beautiful fairgrounds, cheryl wheeler, david myles, Della Mae, festival camping, Grass Valley, Jeff Pelline, marley's ghost, marty stuart and his fabulous superlatives, music festival, Nevada County Fairgrounds, peter rowan's free mexican airforce with los texmaniacs, richard thompmson electric trio, Strawberry Music Festival, the california honeydrops, the dustbowl revival, the teskey brothers, The Wood Brothers