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Posted by jeffpelline on November 7, 2016 · Leave a Comment
BEFORE THE GOLD RUSH AND muddying of the Yuba and Bear rivers from hydraulic mining, “maj” (sounds like “my”), or salmon, were integral to the Nisenan way of life, says Shelly Covert, tribal council secretary of the Nevada City Rancheria, the indigenous people of the area. A Nisenan salmon doctor was in continual commune with […]
Filed under Art · Tagged with Angkulo Seo, basecamp, Bear River, Deer Creek, Gold Rush, huk, Judith Lowry, Leonard Lowry, mayan, Native American, Nevada City, Nevada City Rancheria, Nevada County, Nevada County Historical Society, Nevada County Library, Nisenan, Nisenan Heritage Day, Powell House, Salmon Doctor, Shelly Covert, Sierra College, Sierra Streams Institute, tribal council, Yuba River