Fresh Mandarin season is underway
NOW IS THE TIME TO SAVOR HEARTY SOUPS AND STEWS along with the bright taste of citrus, which will carry us through the winter. The Mandarin groves of Penryn, Newcastle and Loomis are greening up, soon to be covered with Owari Satsuma Mandarins, our sweet winter treat. The success of the Mandarin is a 21st-century […]
PlacerGROWN: A bumper crop
PLACERGROWN HAS BECOME A POWERFUL voice in the foothills, thanks to its passion for farming, desire to conserve natural resources and commitment to grow fresh, local food. The nonprofit group represents among the best of what the foothills offers in fruit and vegetable farming, Mandarin orchards, wine grape growing and all-natural meats. Farmers such as […]