InConcert Sierra presents Vienna Boys Choir
INCONCERT SIERRA BEGAN AS THE TWIN Cities Concert Association 70 years ago, making it the oldest established performing arts organization in the foothills. The first concert, at the Grass Valley Veterans Memorial Building in October 1946, featured Charles Kullman, tenor of the San Francisco Metropolitan Opera. “It is a delight to have an audience like this,” Kullman said, responding to the audience’s extreme enthusiasm. “I like Grass Valley, and I would rather sing here than in Vienna.”
Now, 70 years and one month later, it turns out that Vienna’s most famous singers— the world-renowned Vienna Boys Choir—are traveling 5,900 miles to Grass Valley to perform for the 2016-17 season of InConcert Sierra. How’s that for coming full circle?
It is a tribute to the talents of Artistic Director Ken Hardin, Executive Director Julie Hardin, and the rest of the staff and board of InConcert Sierra—stronger than ever after 70 years.
This marks the second time InConcert Sierra has hosted the famous choir, which has been singing at Vienna’s Imperial Chapel since 1296. The Vienna Boys Choir sang to an enthusiastic sold-out crowd in 2010, and now they are returning on November 20. A pre-concert forum, a beloved feature of InConcert performances, will educate, as well as entertain, the audience.
Other highlights of InConcert Sierra’s fall season include the Alexander String Quartet with Robert Greenberg as lecturer on October 16. The Quartet is one of the world’s most distinguished ensembles. Greenberg is famous for his Learning Company’s “Great Courses” lectures.
On November 7, cellist Amit Peled returns to InConcert Sierra for an intimate one-hour house concert at a private home in Nevada City. Peled will continue sharing with audiences the sound of the historic cello of Pablo Casals. Peled has performed for InConcert Sierra in March 2008, November 2010, and March 2015.
On December 17 and 18, InConcert’s Sierra Master Chorale and Orchestra brings joy to the season with its annual holiday concerts. The chorale, with 80 singers, will perform some old favorites, some new discoveries, and a sing-along. The program will include Gloria in Excelsis Deo, This Day A Child Is Born Here, Hanukkah Fantasy, Bethlehem Down, Masters in This Hall, Lo, How A Rose E’re Blooming and A Symphony of Carols, among others.
(Photo: Lucas Beck)