InConcert Sierra presents Vienna Boys Choir
INCONCERT SIERRA BEGAN AS THE TWIN Cities Concert Association 70 years ago, making it the oldest established performing arts organization in the foothills. The first concert, at the Grass Valley Veterans Memorial Building in October 1946, featured Charles Kullman, tenor of the San Francisco Metropolitan Opera. “It is a delight to have an audience like […]
Watch a trailer for the “Making of the Madrigal” movie at Nevada Union High
The Nevada Union High School Choir’s Madrigal Dinner in Grass Valley (Nevada County CA) is an event that defies description. It is part concert, part history lesson, part dinner, part comedy routine, and so much more. But there is one thing that Madrigal Dinner is for sure: completely transportive. Transportive to not just another place, […]
InConcert Sierra and Sierra Master Chorale roll out new programs
THE SIERRA MASTER CHORALE PRESENTS some of the most memorable musical performances in the foothills. Shows we’ve enjoyed include “The Armed Man: A Mass for Peace,” the whimsical “MusicaliTea” and their holiday concerts. On Thursday, May 15, and Sunday, May 18, the group—now under the wings of InConcert Sierra—will present two spring concerts with drama, […]