InConcert Sierra launches an exciting new season
NAYSAYERS SAID MANY THINGS WOULD “kill classical music”: In 1324, it was “popular music.” In 1827, it was Beethoven himself; “The writings of Beethoven on the art must, I fear, be considered injurious,” wrote a London reviewer. In 1906, it was the player piano; in 2013, it was YouTube; and in 2014, it is an […]
InConcert Sierra and Sierra Master Chorale roll out new programs
THE SIERRA MASTER CHORALE PRESENTS some of the most memorable musical performances in the foothills. Shows we’ve enjoyed include “The Armed Man: A Mass for Peace,” the whimsical “MusicaliTea” and their holiday concerts. On Thursday, May 15, and Sunday, May 18, the group—now under the wings of InConcert Sierra—will present two spring concerts with drama, […]