The Center for the Arts bringing more world-class talent to the foothills this season: Jewel, Cohn, DiFranco and Cray
The Center for the Arts is bringing more world-class talent to Grass Valley this winter and spring. Some examples: Grammy nominated singer-songwriter JEWEL will perform at the Veterans Memorial Auditorium in Grass Valley on May 14. “It was the time in my life to do this,” the Alaskan-born music icon says bluntly, reflecting on her […]
California WorldFest is July 12-15 in Grass Valley
The 15th Annual California WorldFest will be held at the Nevada County Fairgrounds in Grass Valley – Thursday through Sunday, July 12-15. •More than 6000 attendees per day enjoy World-Class performers from 10 AM to 11 PM on 8 stages •California’s most beautiful fairgrounds with BIG trees and rolling lawns •Music, Dancing, Workshops, Crafts, Games, […]