Nevada City Winery: Rebirth of a classic
NOW IN ITS 37TH YEAR, NEVADA CITY WINERY is tightly connected with the town that it proudly displays on its label, as well as the history of modern-day winemaking in the foothills. Founded in a garage on the outskirts of Nevada City, the winery moved to its present location in 1982, the Miners Foundry Garage […]
Nevada City expected to invite Seahawks coach Pete Carroll to start its prestigious bicycle race
The Nevada City Council on Wednesday is expected to consider a resolutionĀ inviting Seattle Seahawks football coach Pete Carroll to participate as an official starter of the June 21, 2015, Nevada City Classic Bicycle Race, our magazine has learned. It also seeks to proclaim the day of his visit as “Life is a Daring Adventure Day”! […]
New Nevada City Eats will celebrate city’s bicycle heritage
A new dining establishment called Nevada City Eats (originally “Nevada City Bistro”), which includes “to go” food, is opening in downtown Nevada City that will celebrate the city’s long heritage with bicycles. The Nevada City Eats at 104 Union Street will feature an espresso bar, sandwiches, burritos and such. It has applied for a license […]