Art Works Gallery: winning regional honors for its local artwork
ARTWORK IS MORE WIDELY available than ever, revealing new and up-and-coming talent. Arts education also is on the rise. The California Arts Council, which celebrates its 40th anniversary in 2016 (see box), is investing millions of dollars in communities across California, including our region. Nevada County is a growing arts hub: It has more artists […]
World-renowned pizza coming to historic Grass Valley
Here’s a food scoop: The Quiznos in downtown Grass Valley is closing but keeping the same owner. The owner’s other Quiznos franchise in Brunswick Basin will remain open, pumping out the popular hot deli sandwiches. But here’s the most exciting news, worthy of regional attention: The Grass Valley store at 121 Neal Street will be […]
Tess’ Kitchen Store: Expanding in Grass Valley
NOWHERE IS THE RESURGENCE OF downtown Grass Valley more visible than at Tess’ Kitchen Store, a longtime Mill Street merchant that will become an ultimate cooking store this spring with an innovative expansion. Tess’ has been in continual operation since 1931, when original owner Tess Hawkins had a gift and card shop. The store has […]