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Home / Archives for Alice Schreve
Posted by jeffpelline on August 21, 2019 · Leave a Comment
AUBURN HAS GONE FROM A quaint outpost for antiques to a vibrant city bubbling with young doers and creative outdoor types making Auburn happen,” according to, an economic development website dedicated to the foothills town. Josephine is a shining example — a restaurant that Chefs Eric Alexander and Courtney McDonald plan to open in […]
Filed under Food · Tagged with Alice Schreve, Auburn Downtown Association, Auburn Josephine, BCM Cafe, Carpe Vino, Courtney McDonald, Culinary Institute of America, Eric Alexander, Four Tines Farm, Gary Capps, Jeff Pelline, Jim Bril, Josephine, Monkey Cat, Nathan Shreve, Old Town Auburn, Placer County restaurant, Placer County Visitors Bureau, Polly's Paladar, The Baker and the Cakemaker, Tre Pazzi