Foraging for flavor: Summer cooking classes in the Sierra Foothills
DURING THE SUMMER, YOU CAN TAKE advantage of the bounty from farmers markets and farm stands or backyard gardens. Cooking classes feature summer fruits and veggies. In a popular class at Tess’ Kitchen Store, in-house chef Alan Tangren—who was a restaurant forager at famed Chez Panisse in Berkeley—shows you how to select the best fruits […]
Ol’ Republic celebrates State Fair “best of show” award at State Capitol
Owners-brewers Jim Harte and Simon Olney of ol’ Republic Brewery in Nevada City celebrate their “best of show” honor at the State Capitol this week. In Fall 2014, we featured the brewery on the cover of our magazine, writing, “The most exciting emerging ‘ale tale’ for a single local brewery probably goes to ol’ Republic […]