Sierra foothills’ farmers markets getting underway

OUR AREA OFFERS AN ABUNDANCE of fresh, local produce from dozens of small farms around Nevada City, Grass Valley, Auburn, Loomis and Newcastle. Truckee is served by some in Plumas County, such as Sierra Valley Farms, as well as ones in the foothills. The fresh, local fruits and vegetables, meats, poultry and eggs are sold […]

Fresh food teams in the Sierra Foothills

“FROM OUR COUNTY TO YOUR TABLE” is the theme of the California State Fair in July. It is well suited to our region, where chefs specialize in using fresh, local ingredients, including fruits and veggies, meats and poultry, and grains. Examples include Ike’s Quarter Cafe in Nevada City; Newcastle Produce; Summer Thyme’s Bakery & Deli […]

Real Food on I-80

TRAVELERS ALONG I-80 NEEDN’T SETTLE FOR fast food on their way to the Sierra and back. Some of the region’s best eateries are just off the highway. CAFÉ ZORRO This restaurant, just off I-80 at Loomis, is a longtime local favorite and worth a stop. Its menu features seasonal fare such as fish, chicken, meat, […]

Spring cooking classes at Newcastle Produce

Check out the list of spring cooking classes at Newcastle Produce. Also check out our cooking school directory including Newcastle Produce on our new mobile website, customized for your smartphone. Newcastle Produce’s cooking classes are taught by Chelsea Federwitz, chef, pastry artist and graduate from the Culinary Institute of America at Greystone in St. Helena.: […]

How “New Domesticity” is revitalizing our cooking culture

“WE’RE ALL BAKING BROWNIES AGAIN.” In the popular book Homeward Bound, author Emily Matchar writes about “new domesticity”—our longing for the old-fashioned, the homemade, the authentic. Nowhere is it more prevalent than in our food culture, which often leads to more time in the kitchen (for both genders). “The motivations behind New Domesticity are varied: […]

Fresh fruit all year, thanks to winter Mandarins

THE SIERRA FOOTHILLS HAS AN ABUNDANCE of fresh, local fruit, thanks to our region’s largely temperate climate. Farm-to-fork restaurants (from Stella in Truckee to Ike’s in Nevada City) regularly feature local in-season fruits on their menus. The list includes heirloom melons, stone fruit and tomatoes (remember, it’s a fruit, not a veggie). Pluots, the plum-apricot […]

Newcastle Produce celebrates 14 years on November 15

“When we opened our store in November 1999, we had no idea what a busy and exciting journey we were beginning. Now, 14 years later, we’re busier than ever, bursting at the seams, and still very excited about the wonderful foods produced in our area,” Newcastle Produce writes in its newly released newsletter. “Now, 14 […]

“Farm-to scoop” edibles abound

You’ve heard about farm-to-table and farm-to-fork dining. Now a “farm-to-scoop” movement is underway—referring to desserts that are made from fresh, natural or organic ingredients. Summer is the best time to make the natural treats because of all the fruits and veggies growing in the foothills. Think rhubarb ice cream or ice pops, for example. The […]

Let’s Picnic

The Sierra and its foothills are ideal for picnicking with all the parks, canyons, rivers and lakes: GOURMET PICNIC SUPPLIES SUMMER THYME’S in Grass Valley offers homemade sandwiches piled high with fresh, local ingredients on freshly baked bread. Examples include Bacon Turkey Gorgonzola, Roasted Turkey or Veggie Pesto. Homemade salads and desserts too. NEWCASTLE […]

Culinary Adventures – take a cooking class

“No one is born a great cook—one learns by doing.” -Julia Child,My Life in France In 1948, Julia Child found her true calling. She moved to France, developed a passion for French cooking and authored books that became essential for food lovers. In 1993, we recall attending the annual Western Cable Show and marveling at […]

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